SBA Emerging Leaders program helps local businesses expand with inaugural Nashville class


The key logoprogram highlights and facts:

  • Customized training for “C” (CEO, COO, etc.) level executives with demonstrated business sustainability of at least 3 years in business and annual revenue of at least $400K
  • Participant recruitment begins in February through SBA’s local district offices and classes typically begin in April
  • A three-year strategic growth action plan with benchmarks and performance targets to help the participant emerge as self-sustaining businesses that creates jobs and build communities
  • Includes 100 + hours of professional specialized training and peer-to-peer counseling delivered over the course of seven months
  • Specialized areas of training include:
    • Growth Strategies Plans
    • Financing and Access to Capital
    • Government Contracting
    • CEO Mentoring

“It has been a long road, but it is quite simply one of the greatest things I could have ever done for AJ Media Services, my business. I am very honored! I was so happy to be in the classes with an amazing group of CEO’s.” – Alba


To learn more about the SBA Program :  SBA Emerging Leaders